Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

The Story of Bridezilla Chapter I

Bom Dia!
Tudo Bem?
Now, I'm a bridezilla. 
Just like the other bridezillas in this universe,
I'd like to share the experience here,
maybe this can inspire you,
the bridezilla-to-be :)
Vamos escrever !


The Legion is the most important role of the whole preparation.
The members are :
  1. Momzilla, is my mother. This has the highest danger level
  2. Bridezilla, is me. 
  3. NYPD, is my best aunty, my mom's sister-in-law
How this Legion works?
  • Bridezilla finds vendors except the catering vendor is from Momzilla, every one must agree with it. Luckily, Momzilla chooses one of the finest catering service in Jakarta.
  • Bridezilla lists all the vendors
  • bridezilla follows up, mostly, the vendors of entertainment, wedding photo/video, invitation maker, pre-wedding photo.
  • Momzilla concerns most at the catering vendor.
  • NYPD concerns most at the vendor for wedding dress (includes MC, details of reception rundown,dresses for family) 
Before we continue to the process, I'd like to share with you that this blog is written for you, bridezilla-to-be, who'd like to have a simple,quick,punctual preparation done by your team with budget less than 200 million IDR yet it ain't a 'cheap' wedding reception.

Your family can be a great team. You can save the money for your future.
Remember, don't let too many persons involve in your wedding preparation. 
Be focus on what you do, don't listen to many people.
hundreds of bridezilla's blogs can save you. It works on me :)
1st Step

 The first thing need to do is : PICK THE  DATE & VENUE HUNTING !
We did this first step during October - November 2013.
 At first, we decided to arrange the wedding date on April 12th. 
We, firstly chose venue at Rimbauan I in Manggala Wanabakti due to its strategic location  near the highway and cheap rental cost. However, after momzilla and NYPD visited the venue, they didn't satisfy because the venue was too hot.
Back to the hunting process
By feeling dissatisfied  with Manggala, momzilla then contacted Gedung Wanita Patra Pertamina Simprug (GWPP). Momzilla was getting married in this place also LOL
Bridezilla also approached GWPP and saved the date on May 17.

I was so happy that I could save the venue and the date. However it turns out that momzilla already booked the venue on the same date. (Momzilla was very fast).
So there was a double booking. Then I explained to the venue PIC so that it only one booking remained under momzilla's name. (OK Mom, you win, sigh)

By the end of November 2013, Legion was successfully booked the venue for wedding date in May 2014. We are lucky, because GWPP is one of the most people-look-for venue. The location also still in South Jakarta, near my house in Ciledug and my future's husband's house in Bintaro.
